The Queen Elizabeth Health Complex was created by a group of Queen Elizabeth Hospital board members and other volunteers in response to the closing of the original Queen Elizabeth Hospital in 1996. Today, this unique not-for-profit center offers a multitude of traditional and non-traditional ambulatory health services to the community. In addition to offering quality diagnostic services as well as primary and specialized medical care, we are committed to caring for patients with the utmost respect.
Throughout its history, this renowned Canadian health care delivery institution, now the QEHC, has maintained its tradition of being open to all, with the health of its community at its heart.
This Code of Ethics reiterates the commitment of our Staff (employees, health professionals, students and volunteers) to act respectfully in carrying out their duties. Similarly, we expect our patients to treat our employees with the same respect.
Patients and Staff must be treated with respect and courtesy and must never be subjected to any form of discrimination in terms of ethnic origin, sex, age, socio-economic background, sexual orientation or religion.
Services must take into account individual preferences and the recognition of our patients’ human rights.
All of our actions must be guided by respect for the individuality of patients.
Empathy and compassion should always be demonstrated in all interactions.
All patient information must be kept strictly confidential at all times and the patient’s consent must be obtained before speaking with family member or relatives.
Staff must at all times exercise discretion and abstain from any comments except when they are required for providing care and services.
Our professionals meet the highest standards of competence and perform their duties in accordance with their professional corporation’s code of ethics.
Our professionals are accountable for the services they provide and are committed to providing all persons with access to quality care.
Patients must give their consent for care, tests, treatments or interventions of any kind.
All patients have the right to refuse care, tests or treatments.Information should always be given in a way that is easily understood so that patients can have their wishes respected.
Our staff is committed to communicating clearly to patients all relevant information regarding the care they require or tests needed.
Staff must always identify themselves to the patient and nametags are to be visible at all times.
Patients have the right to know the reasons for the care or services they receive. We must take the time to explain and answer questions as fully as possible in a tranquil environment.
All forms of violence, aggressive behaviour, threats etc. will not be tolerated from staff or patients at any time.
We strive to keep the premises clean and orderly in order to minimize the risk of transmission of infectious diseases.
The Queen Elizabeth Health Complex is managed by a Board of Directors made up of volunteer members of the community as well as the Executive Director.
At a time when governments and medical professionals are actively searching for tangible and long-term solutions to our health care needs, the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex (QEHC) offers an innovative and efficient health care model, providing a diverse range of community health care services - all under one roof. Ensuring ready access to both medical and alternative health services, the QEHC is an attractive option to avoid the overcrowding, delays and other inconveniences so often experienced in hospitals and CLSCs around the province.